Omus’s Weblog

Politics, Trekking, Environment & Personal

Stop Wasting food..wanna Know this September 11, 2009

Filed under: Environment — omus @ 6:31 pm

Why should not we waste food?

 Courtsey: Down to earth.

Sorry, I think sharing this is more important than copyright of magazine.

Few things, I personally follow to avoid wastage of food:

1) I follow philosophy of  ” staying a bit hungry is better than wasting food”.

2) I can always order second time in restaurants . My personal obersvation has been people order more than what they than gulp, ending up lot of food in restaurant. Just splitting orders, can save lot of food.

3) Marriage are venues, where maximum % of food is wasted. Simple reason, people try to accomodate in one plate all items, more than what they can digest. Simple commonsense during filling of plate will help to save lots of food.

4) I have few items which can be made using leftover food.

I would request users to give more ideas of simple steps & common sense, that can help in avoiding of wastage of food.


3 Responses to “Stop Wasting food..wanna Know this”

  1. drpratibha Says:

    thanks for sharing your ideas.

  2. swets Says:

    Please CHECK WASTAGE OF food
    If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted, don’t hesitate to call 1098 (only in India ) – Its not a Joke – child helpline. They will come and collect the food .

    My friend has personally tried on this number at a marriage ceremony.. and they have indeed collected… so u can confidently share it in ur blog..

  3. rahul Says:

    i dont know whether this is a good or ridiculous opinion …that when a person die , we usually bury them in a separate area….why cant we plant a tree instead of wasting that land …it will be a memorable tree for us , representing one who we miss..

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